Thursday, December 20, 2012

Game Design Theory: Using Video Games To Engage Learnering

Believe it or not!!!

There are some noble educators out there pitching this crazy, absurd, revolutionary, awesome concept. And it is: If kids are playing games on their phones in class instead of learning, at home on their pc or console instead of doing homework; then why not have them doing both?

I mean, why not have them playing a game you made to explain the day's concept? Why not have them playing a game on their computer that they made, using an instruction set you gave them?

I'm not pitching for computer science/programming here. I'm a computer and network engineering teacher. I teach hardware and operating systems. What I'm throwing out there is I gave my students an assignment today which blew their minds. I showed them a game to play which teaches them how to use a software to design/build video games of their own. I then challenged them to explain the concept of data transfer using this game as their medium. And you know what? They did it!! It blew their minds to be able to play games in class without retribution and then to be told it's a learning tool for them to use to make their own games!!!

I'll post the overall results later.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wakefield 2.1 Summer 2012

ALL of my classes for the 2012-2013 school year will give extra credit for any student who participates in Wakefield 2.1 this year. Any questions about the program see Mr Kline in Media Ctr.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Web 2.0 and Wakefield 2.1

At WHS we are embracing the evolving education culture by enhancing teachers's and students's learning through the use of interactive, online programs generally termed as Web 2.0 tools.

In Honors Computer Engineering 2 this spring we decided to assist the WHS faculty by finding examples of Web 2.0 tools being used in lesson plans or as requirements for assignments. The students were tasked with researching lesson plans teachers had posted online or the assignments. The students then were expected to make a listing of the results on a Google doc (web 2.0 tool) and turned in via (web 2.0 tool).

The expectations for the assignment are listed below as well as a small sampling of the outstanding results.

Web 2.0 Lesson Plans Research Assignment

Web 2.0 Lessons Assignment Results

I hope that my colleagues here at WHS as well as around the web find something useable here. And please feel free to beam us your own projects. I expect that many of our students will surprise us as they evolve far faster than us!!!